Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Unforgettable Thanksgiving

There are some things in this world that we simply cannot forget.

Today I am writing about a To Do list. One that I wrote probably six or seven years ago in preparation for Thanksgiving dinner, which I have hosted for my family and friends almost every year since I've been single. One that only stands out in my mind because of the P.S. attached to it.

I wish I would have dated it, but I guess it doesn't really matter the year. What matters is how it made me feel. How I feel every year right before Thanksgiving when I am busy getting the house ready for company and the food prepared for the big day.

That was one of the first years I made my itinerary for the day – probably to keep me on track and to make everything seem manageable. Planning and carrying out this dinner can be difficult by myself. For some reason, that year I must have been more stressed than usual.

As a reminder to myself I wrote this little note – serving two functions. One to remind me exactly what this day is about, and to be thankful for all that I have. The second to make a practical list to follow so I wouldn't forget anything. I don't know how many times I've left important dishes in the refrigerator or microwave until long after dinner and dessert.

So here it is, in all my humdrum glory. I typed it up (so organized!) and set it on the counter at night. When I woke up in the morning and took a look at it – this is what I found...

My daughter added that last part. You know, the part that says everyone loves and appreciates me even if it all doesn't go as planned. You know – the part that brought tears to my eyes when I first read it. The part that still does.

Oh, my wise and loving daughter. You really "get" it. You truly understand. Those few words have stayed with me through many Thanksgiving preparation times, and no doubt will remain with me until the end of my days.

What a wonderful gift. What a treasure. Perhaps you never knew your words would touch me forever. They will, my dear. Always.

So this Thanksgiving, I am doing it all over again. I'm getting better at planning ahead, but still, this Thursday it will be busy, a bit crazy, and hopefully I'll get all the menu items cooked and ready to serve, and the cat hair off the sofa, before my guests arrive.

Whether it all goes as planned, or it falls apart like a house of cards in an earthquake, it will be fine. We will laugh, we will reminisce, we will tease and joke, take pictures, and remark on how the little ones have grown so tall.

I am so blessed every day, because there is love around me. In the end, nothing else matters. This Thanksgiving, I'm sending a special thanks to Cera. I will always remember, and cherish forever, that simple postscript from a Thanksgiving many years ago.


  1. ... and for me, that is the real thanksgiving. Not the historical Pilgrims/Indians part, not the football game part, not the "this year I'm thankful for..." part.... but the being with family part. There's nothing like it.
