Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Happy New Year!

I took on a once-a-day blog challenge for the month of January. It can't be that hard, right? I can certainly think of topics to blog about. Such as the New Year.

As a matter of fact, I like this idea. A new year. A challenge.

Last year seemed to be a time of building for me. Relationships, writing, and new beginnings. Sort of laying the foundation for things to come.

I realize that change can happen at any time. We certainly don't need a new year to change our less-than-good habits, lose weight, write the great American novel, or do anything else in our lives we've been putting off. But there is something about having a specific date that appeals to people.

I made a goal for myself. I wanted to get healthy, and strong, and finish the challenges that were before me. I didn't start today. I started four days ago, and so far, so good.

As far as any new resolutions for 2014? I suppose it's exactly the same as my current life goals: I want to have a healthy body and sharp mind. I will finish and publish my first novel. I will continue to make a living writing for other people. And I will never take any part of my life for granted. It's too precious, and too short.